If you notice something, please notify us ASAP!

Contact technical support ASAP

NYhost.net Support

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

If you noticed something slightly abnormal, for example, website appears slower than usual or even "unreachable" for about few seconds; if email bounced back or never received by recipient etc please contact us ASAP. Do not wait for other customers to report. Issue could be resolved quickly and YOU can prevent downtime and even data loss.

Here is real life scenario: email suddenly bounced back. Customer ignored bounced message and then, in two days, more emails started to bounce due to email abuse (spamming event). Removing IP from block lists sometimes take 48 hours. Reputation ratings are also improve slowly. It may take up to 1 week to resolve all issues with email! You could prevent such issue with single ticket.

Servers are being shared across many customers. That's why we monitor 24/7/365 internally and externally. However, some issues might slip away. Especially those events without any downtime (network and hardware).

Here is another scenario: server appears slower than usual. Websites open at snail pace. You should report it ASAP. It could be a network congestion between our data center and upstream ISP or hardware issue with disk, memory or CPU. Hard drives do not die instantly (especially SSD without moving parts). Sometimes it takes weeks to complete disaster: data loss. Please do not wait. Report any anomaly via Help Center or email: [email protected].

We are always happy to assist you!

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